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How To Protect Your Home When You’re On Holiday

protect your home while you're on holiday - woman packing suitcase

Going on holiday should be an exciting and enjoyable time. Aside from the age-old worry about forgetting your passport, it should also be relaxing. But, home security and the safety of your worldly possessions while you’re away can be a cause for concern. Whether you’re holidaying in the UK or abroad, we’ve got some top tips on how to protect your home when you’re on holiday.

Tips For Protecting Your Home Whilst Away

Lock up!

It may sound obvious but with all the chaos that holidays bring it can be easy to leave a window or door unlocked.

Your best bet is to make a list and check off which windows you’ve locked as you go. And don’t forget outside – outhouses or garages can contain some pretty pricey items and are hot targets for burglars.

Give a final check that all possible windows and doors are locked before you leave as they can be an easy way in for intruders and can invalidate your home insurance policy.

Hide your valuables

Again, it may seem obvious but hiding your valuables is an easy way to protect your home while you’re on holiday, or anytime for that matter. After all, out of site, out of burglar’s minds!

Keep possessions in drawers or wardrobes and especially away from windows. It’s also useful to keep your interior doors closed so people don’t have a clear view through your house.

If you have expensive outdoor furniture or possessions, make sure they are locked away, chained down or hidden out of site. If that’s not possible, lock your gates to prevent people gaining access.

A secret escape

What’s more exciting than your holiday? Telling people about your holiday, of course.

However, by spreading the word about your holiday you’re simply advertising your home to burglars. So, keep your holiday details off social media until you arrive home and don’t boast about your trip to strangers in your local pub or shop as they could easily locate your house. In fact, the only people you want to be telling is a trusted neighbour, family member or friend who can check on the house while you’re away.

Make your house a home

An empty house will always draw the attention of burglars so try and make your house appear occupied while you’re away.

One sure fire way to do this is to ask a trusted friend or family member to pop over to check on the house, drawing blinds and preventing post building up while you’re away.

It’s also a handy idea to put some interior and exterior lights on self-timers throughout your getaway to make the house appear lived in.

Install a security system

Of course, with all of the above precautions intruders can still try their luck. Installing a security system at your home offers an extra layer of protection for your home when you are away. There are several security systems that can protect your home when you’re on holiday.

Install a CCTV system

CCTV acts as a great deterrent to unwanted intruders when you’re on holiday but also when you’re at home. Just seeing your CCTV cameras can put burglars off trying to enter your home.

However, if they still try and break in you will have CCTV footage that can help the police with their investigations and help to return your possessions. The CCTV systems we install across the North West can also integrate with your mobile devices so you can keep an eye on your home, whether you’re holidaying in the Lake District or the Bahamas.

Install a burglar alarm

A burglar alarm is also a fantastic way to protect your home. Not only can they deter unwanted intruders but they can also sound the alarm – literally – if someone does try to break in to your home.

The Ajax Wireless Security System can sound alarms at unwanted intruders, water and smoke protecting your home from all eventualities.


We hope these tips help to reassure you that your property is protected while you are on holiday. If you would like a quote to installation of CCTV to further protect your home, contact our expert team today.